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Guide to the Best Dive Sites in Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan


Guide to the Best Dive Sites in Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan

2024-08-22 22 Aug 2024

Nusa Lembongan and Ceningan hold some of the best scuba dive sites in Indonesia. Though not the most remote location, it still holds some of the most healthy coral reefs and vibrant marine life, from smaller reef fish to bigger pelagic visitors. So what are the very best dive sites in the area?

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Nusa Lembongan

Blue Corner - One of the more advanced dive sites is Blue Corner. We say this because it’s a pretty deep dive, with ledges and overhangs resting between 20 to 30 meters deep. Therefore, this site is only open to advanced scuba divers. Additionally, Blue Corner is only safe to dive within small windows of the changing tide as the down current can be extremely dangerous here, sweeping you down and out towards Bali. Hence, if you see any strong surface rip currents before entering the water - it might be best to wait it out!

It is a relatively short dive site, but that is no issue as you will be diving very deep, thus reducing your bottom time. Blue Corner is famous for its mola mola sightings on sunrise dives during the dry season months of July to September. If you’re very lucky, you won’t just see one or two mola molas, but maybe 7 or even sometimes 12! Additionally, this dive site is also frequented by marble rays, dolphins, thresher sharks, nudibranchs, reef sharks, bamboo sharks, and wobbegong sharks, so remember to keep an eye out towards the blue!

Mangrove - More beginner-friendly, Mangrove is a beautiful sloping reef teeming with coral gardens and reef life. You can dive this site anywhere between 5 meters and 30 meters deep - making it a popular choice for beginners, and second and third dives of the day. With crystal clear visibility that can sometimes span more than 25 meters, you will be able to easily spot great barracudas cruising along, sea turtles feeding, and the occasional white tip reef shark hunting, amidst a plethora of colourful reef fish consisting of pufferfish, lionfish, clownfish and sweetlips.

Nusa Ceningan

Ceningan Wall - This is a dive site that is not as frequently visited by most dive shops as the current here is fickle with the tide. However, it deserves a mention as it is home to some of the healthiest coral reefs in the entire Bali region. Covered in the most dazzling neon green, purple, and orange soft corals, Ceningan Wall is a feast for the eyes.

Ceningan Wall is exactly that - a reef drop-off into the deep trench between Nusa Ceningan and Nusa Penida. Thus, this dive site is also recommended to be dived by advanced certified divers only. At this dive site, you might see small critters on the reef such as nudibranchs, blue-ringed octopuses, and scorpionfish. Whilst out in the blue swims the occasional dogtooth tuna, wahoo, or even thresher shark in the dry season!

Note these down for your next scuba diving trip to Indonesia, as these are the best dive sites in Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan!


Written by Kayli Wouters

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